We would like to warmly invite you to Angelika Riedl's keynote speech at the Valuemanagers Summit 2024 on topic "Systematic Innovation for Value Management: Bridging the Gap Between Solutions and Customer Motivations using trenDNA"
In the dynamic landscape of value management, navigating the complexities of solution development requires a systematic and strategic approach. This keynote explores the realm of Systematic Innovation, integrating a repertoire of methods and tools, including insights from TRIZ and other product- and service-oriented methodologies. At the core of this approach lies trenDNA, a comprehensive framework that incorporates micro- and macro-trends, archetypes, and generational influences. By seamlessly blending these elements, we gain the ability to discern and align with both current and future customer motivations. This keynote delves into the practical application of these tools, illustrating how they synergize the voices of the product and the customer. Join us for an insightful exploration into a structured, flexible, and user-friendly methodology that empowers value managers to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of innovation.
Key take away:
By the end of this keynote, participants will have a deepened understanding of Systematic Innovation, an enriched toolbox for solution development, and practical approaches to aligning with customer motivations in an ever-changing business environment.
Get your early bird ticket now!
More information and registration at https://valuemanagers.org/valuemanagers-summit/
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